Thursday, January 14, 2010

Palatial Heights - The Hills Gossip (THG)

Apple Valley President's Twin Brother Shows Up
June 2008 - Round 2008
by Marisa Bendett, Columnist

Fredic Kent

The twin brother of well known President/Spokes Sim, Fiona Kent of Apple Valley disappeared from his home in Palatial Heights a few months ago; without word.  Apparently, leaving behind a wife and twin sons. 

THG intercepted an IPhone text message (taken from SUN) that was sent from Gin, Fredic's wife, to Fiona Kent:


I'm out of town and typing from iPhone, but Fredic disappeared. Haven't you guys been in touch? He and I separated 2 months ago and I stopped writing you figuring you didn't want to hear from me anymore. He apparently got involved with a college student and last Thursday didn't come home. Andreas called to tell me and the boys are now staying with my best friend until I get back.

....A few months ago (ht) there was a rumor that he was having an affair with our mayor. They were spending so much time together and working long hours and apparently the rumor started at the office. I never believed any of that because she came over to the house quite often and I never got any inclination that she had the hots for Fredic. Then...about 2 months ago I found out that he was having an affair with a college student. I found an email from her accidentally one night when he left the computer on to go to the restroom. I wanted to hop on to surf and his email account was still open. I couldn't believe it, didn't think Fredic had it in him to cheat on me. Anyway, I didn't bring it up to him for about a week. One night when the twins were at a friend's house I told him we needed to talk. He denied everything until I told him that I know her name and that she's a college student (from the email). He told me he was seeing her for about a month at that point and that he wanted a separation. So I went to the castle and have been living there until I got the phone call about his disappearance.


Then today, our spies from THG found out that..."Her (Fiona's) twin brother, Fredic, was found hiding out at some cabin. She (Fiona) hasn't spoken to him since Gin called with the news, but Fiona is waiting for him to respond to her message."

At press release time, Fiona has still not heard from her brother.

What is it with the young men in this family?!  Is it me or does it seem like they can't be content having a relationship and family?  Can they not keep it in their pants?!

Fredic and Fiona Kent are 1st cousins to The Hills resident Ray Wilsonoff, who just found out he fathered a baby with teenager, Erline Valdes, last month.  Fiona and Fredic's famous mom/author, Ayanna Kent (deceased) was the twin sister of Ray's dad, Ajani Kent-Wilsonoff (deceased).

THG has been sitting on this 'Fredic/Gin nugget' for months now; until more information presented itself.  In the meantime, we've watched Fiona Kent, although highly stressed, sweep this little issue quietly under the proverbial rug...sorry to uncover the dirt, Mrs. President.

I can't wait to see what Fredic has to say about his whereabouts.

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